Qi v1.3.1 Specification(규격)
- 작성일2022/02/15 13:40
- 조회 613
안녕하세요. 무선전력전송 융합활성화센터입니다.
WPC에서 공개한 Qi v1.3.1 규격문서입니다.(시험문서 제외)
제3자 배포에 제약이 있어 부득이 WPC 홈페이지를 경유하시어 다운로드하시길 권장드립니다.
(다운로드 링크: https://www.wirelesspowerconsortium.com/knowledge-base/specifications/download-the-qi-specifications.html )
관련한 Qi v1.3 주요 업데이트 요약입니다.
Version 1.3 (January 2021)
- Completely restructured Specification documents with 15 thematic books describing different aspects of the system
- Support for authentication of Qi Certified wireless chargers.
- Improved FOD features and testing (including a new low-Q test power receiver)
- Restrictions on the negotiable power levels
- Resolution of mistakes, inconsistencies and ambiguities
- A substantial number of new compliance tests covering the new features as well as features that were not tested in older version of the specification.