TTA 무선전력전송 융합활성화센터에서 안내드립니다.
"Qi"표준 인증프로그램으로 널리 알려진 표준단체 WPC에서 비회원사와 회원사를 대상으로 산업수요를 알아보기 위한 Round Table Discussion을 개최하여 안내드립니다.
1) 전기자전거로 널리 알려진 LEV-SG(Spec Group)와 2) 로봇 등 다양한 산업수요군의 응용제품을 다루는 Industry-SG으로 구분하여 진행됩니다.
현재 각 세션에서 해당하는 제품 개발 시, 무선충전 표준 개발에 필요한 요구사항을 제시하시거나 국내외 타회사의 초기 요구사항을 파악하실 수 있는 좋은 기회가 되시길 바랍니다.
(LEV, 세션은 금일(10/12) 밤에 진행되는 행사로 관심이 있으신 경우, 등록을 서둘러주시기 바랍니다.)
1) Light-duty Electric Vehicle(LEV, 전기자전거 등) Round Table Discussion
- 진행시간: 10/12(금일), 한국시간 오후10시~12시
- 등록링크:
2) Industry (산업로봇, AGV 등) Round Table Discussion
- 진행시간: 10/19, 한국시간 오후 8시~10시
- 등록링크:
아래는 개최안내 원문이오니 참조부탁드립니다.
Round Table
US Central
October 12th
8 – 10 am
3 – 5 pm
9-11 pm
October 19th
6 – 8 am
1 -3 pm
7 – 9 pm
Guidelines for WPC members attending Industry Consultation Round Table sessions
- Two Round Table events are announced at the recently held HI Information webinars:
- LEV Round Table October 12th, 2021 @1 pm UTC
- Industry Round Table October 19th, 2021 @11 am UTC
- These Round Table sessions are open to WPC members as well as non-members that have signed the “Industry Consultation Agreement”.
- The objective of these sessions is to obtain feed-back from relevant companies that are not member of the LEV and Industry Spec Groups. For this purpose, the Initial Commercial Requirements (ICR) documents have been compiled and approved by E-Vote for sharing with these outside parties.
Guidelines for discussion
- Information shared in the Round Table sessions is limited to the ICR documents. Members of the LEV and Industry Spec Groups are free to share arguments in support of the document and to ask questions for clarification of given feed-back.
- Please avoid discussion among WPC members. The Round Table is not a WPC meeting! Getting feed-back from non members works best if the WPC speaks with one voice. We will discuss the feed-back in subsequent meetings of the LEV and IND Spec Groups.
- Any confidential information shared in the Round Table other than the approved ICR documents is considered breach of the Confidentiality Policy of the WPC.